Explore Tartu

The true charm of Tartu reveals itself when you go off-road, discovering unique neighbourhoods filled with street art and authentic early-20th century wooden architecture.

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Explore Tallinn

Tallinn’s Telliskivi Creative City truly resembles an illustrated book! The former railway factory and meaningful stories of the artworks deserve to be discovered.

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Take a peek into a sunny tour back in 2016 in Tartu!

What our customers say

Excellent guided tour around Telliskivi area. Our lovely guide Kerly helped us to see and notice beautiful works on the walls that we would have probably missed out otherwise. Interesting stories about artists and their works, especially for us who did not know much about street art before. Warmly recommended!
Liisa M, FIN
I recommend knowing the city of Tartu, with Pseudo Tours, since they are doing an awesome job, with very well prepared professionals. I was given with a unique experience, from places and areas (some of then I would have not found them myself) with so much history. Attention to detail, positive attitude, and a nice and warm vibe was what I got with Pseudo Tours. Keep on with the good work 😎
Marco Torres, IT
This is one of the best tours I’ve been on. Even though it wasn’t the usual day we called up Salme and she took us around Karlova to show us some street art and explain the historical components of this part of the city. It was great to see something other than the old town, and the architecture and art is very interesting. You will also get lots of good tips on what else you can do in this city. Salme runs the street art festival for Estonia, so she can give you background info for local artists and what to see in other cities as well. Highly recommend!
Tiara Christenson, US
If street art is your cup of tea, then this tour is for you. Tartu is the second biggest city in Estonia, but for visitors from other countries, it might seem like a village. Nevertheless Pseudo Tours provide world class tours with guides, who are cute, but also skilled storytellers. I had a great time and I would recommend this for everybody to spice up their life.
Kirke, EST
This review is about the new Kalamaja Uhhaa tour. The word Uhhaa means Mixed Fish Soup and that's what the tour will give you - a bit of local history, fun facts about new and old, with a twist that brings you cool street art with all its symbolism. On this free-form tour with energetic young art lovers as guides, you'll be finding out all the things about Tallinn you didn't even know you could find out! Highly recommended for locals and visitors.
Maria L, EST
I have done now twice street art tour in Telliskivi and it looks I don´t get enough! So much to discover and see. Amazing stories behind the art! So happy that I decided to invite all my family and friends to discover it with me in my birthday! They said that they have been in Telliskivi Loomelinnak many times, but never have seen so much beauty there as in this tour! Thank you Hannariin, who was our great tourguide!
Kristiina, EST
We engaged Agnieszka for a 2-hour tour of Tartu. There were seven of us. She was able to connect with us really quickly and she was clear in her explanation. She was knowledgeable about Tartu and Estonia and was able to answer all our questions. It was evident that she was doing it out of passion and not for income. Three days after the tour, I WhatsApped her a photograph of a tree that was in full bloom, to ask her what tree that was. I was surprised that she actually bothered to do some research on the tree and replied me! I highly recommend her!
Bugand Hun, Singapore
It was really good! Lot’s of useful information, helpful advice from the guide where to go and what to do, very vivid and brisk stories about Tartu and its people! Thanks a lot! Without it I would have another feeling of the city, definitely not complete.
Ekaterina Grechanaya, RU
We had a street tour in Tartu yesterday. We were a family, 4 people and one more person. Stella, our guide was very sweet and kind and explain us about the street art in Tartu from a artistic point of view. We hear some nice stories about the artists and the works and we had a great time. Thank you so much!!
Inda Novominsky, ISR
Living in Tallinn for almost 4yrs and 2yrs by Telliskivi Loomelinnak. I have seen the wall art plenty of times but only today, I understood the depth of it, learned amazing stories and gained even bigger respect and love to this awesome spot.
Super discovery of street art in the Karlova area of Tartu with the sparkling and passionate Salmé who will leave a beautiful graffiti on our souvenirs of Estonia. Obviously she speaks English but also French and possibly many other language as she comes across as a citizen of the world. We recommend!!!

Super découverte du street art dans le quartier de Karlova de Tartu avec Salmé la pétillante et passionnée qui laissera un beau graffiti sur nos souvenirs de L’Estonie. À noter que Salmé nous a fait la visite dans un excellent Français.
Laurent Stéchlé, FR
Would definitely recommend Telliskivi Street Art tour to anyone. The tour was surprising and Telliskivi has some interesting stories behind the street art we see (or dont see). Our guide Hannariin kept us engaged with interesting stories, before and after pictures etc. Thank you!
Lizette M, AUS

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Pseudo Tours in the media & on the web

32. Highschool

Teachers of Tallinn's 32. Highschool on a street art tour
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The Guardian

Recommendation of Pseudo Tours in the Guardian!
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Der Spiegel

Estonia's street art in Der Spiegel. A reportage about Tallinn's what&where by Antje Blinda. Street art introduced by Salme Kulmar.
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Tartu, Estonia: The little-known European city break soon to go mainstream. Street art shown by Pseudo's guide Timo Parts.
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VisitTallinn & Classic Polly

Telliskivi, Tallinn: 5 Things to Eat, See and Do! The City Guide 2022. Pseudo's creator Salme introduces some street art in the creative city.
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Simon Snopek

Our guide Hannariin showing Slovakia's filmmaker and photographer Simon Snopek Telliskivi Creative City's street art scene in 2020 :)
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Lost LeBlanc

Canadian travel vlogger Lost LeBlanc exploring Tartu in 2016!
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Visit Estonia

Destination Estonia - Culture experience with Salme Kulmar and Agnia Nast. Pseudo's creator Salme talks about the reasons of visiting Telliskivi and exploring the local culture scene.
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Kids show Nova / Lastesaade Nova

The TV-show for youth NOVA asks all the big questions about street art.
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Летняя студия

Story about Pseudo's street art tours in Tallinn's Telliskivi Creative City
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Estonia full of adventures / Elamusi täis Eesti

Reportage on Tartu's street art, starting from 3:47.
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Wayfaring Views: Street Art in Estonia: Finding Mythology, Nature and Subtle Protest

Street art in Estonia is sprouting like a counter-culture flower, brightening up a country more known for its old school UNESCO heritage and Soviet legacy. What you’ll find there is steeped in Estonian history with a strong nod to its folk culture and the occupation.
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The Best Things To Do In Tartu, Estonia: A 2 Day Itinerary

Keen as we always are to see any country beyond its capital city, we set our sites on Estonia’s second-largest city of Tartu and we weren’t disappointed.
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Tartu Pseudo Tours – другой взгляд на любимый город

Как город с богатой историей Тарту предлагает много интересного туристам и жителям города. Среди фирм, предоставляющих разнообразные экскурсионные услуги, выделяется объединение молодых гидов Tartu Pseudo Tours, которое предлагает узнать город с неожиданных сторон.
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Tarto – Viron katutaidepääkaupunki

Viron Tarto on muutenkin katutaideystävällisen naapurimaamme kiinnostavin kohde katutaiteen ystäville. Opiskelijakaupunki on koristeltu värein ja kuvioin ja monen nurkan takaa paljastuu värikäs kappale taidetta.
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Tartto – täydellinen viikonlopun lomakohde

–Tartossa osataan nauttia elämästä. Kellään ei ole kiire minnekään ja ihmiset hymyilevät toisilleen kaduilla. En asuisi missään muualla, kertoo nuori etupenkillä istuva taksikuski yrittäessäni pysyä hereillä yölennon laskeuduttua Viron toisiksi suurimpaan kaupunkiin Tartoon.
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Tänavakunsti tuurid avavad linlaste jaoks juba tuttavad paigad

Festivalil Tallinn Music Week korraldatud Telliskivi tänavakunsti tuur osutus nii menukaks, et Tartu Pseudo Tours otsustas hakata seal regulaarselt ringkäike korraldama.
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Tänavakunsti entusiast näitab turistidele Tartu peidus poolt

Tänavakunsti entusiast näitab turistidele Tartu peidus poolt Tallinnast pärit tänavakunstihuviline Salme Kulmar on end Tartu kunstiringkondades tuntuks teinud. Lisaks väliskunstnikke võõrustava Tartu linnaresidentuuri töö koordineerimisele on Kulmar sel suvel Põlvamaal aset leidva tänavakunstifestivali Rural Urban Art üks korraldajaid.
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GALERII | Tänavakunsti täis Telliskivi

Hipsterite lemmikpaik Telliskivi ei tähenda vaid trendikaid söögi- ja joogikohti, vaid seal saab igal sammul imetleda ka tänavakunsti.
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Tartu tänavakunsti sõidetakse vaatama igast maailmanurgast

“Tänavakunsti ekskursioonidel avastame lisaks maalidele seda, mis visuaalse poole varjus peitub, lubame endal ümbruskonnaga tutvumise eesmärgil sinna ära eksida,” tutvustab Salme Kulmar “töömeetodeid”.
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